1. After a combined a 50-years of Anabaptist tradition, and with respect to all our loved ones who still follow it, we have come to realize that we completely embrace Reformed tradition and are in awe of infant baptism and the sacrament it truly is.
2. We were so thankful that our parents were able to come be a part of today. And help.
3. We have an amazing church and island family. Amazing. The fact that they are sharing this journey of raising Zeke with us is mind boggling.
4. After seeing the pictures of myself from today, I now know where Zeke gets his double chins.
5. Chocolate fountains are awesome.
6. Shiraz, Holly, Lindsey, Monty, Michelle, Andrea, Erin, Jenice and Heidi are also awesome. They know why. Let me just say that the brunch wouldn't have happened without them.
7. Cooking a brunch for 80+ people (is that how many really came?) was actually fun. Really.
8. Even though the chocolate-chocolate chip waffles were not the hit we thought they would be, they were totally worth it just to see how excited Matthew was about them.
9. We are overwhelmed with the knowledge and faith that God has marked and claimed Zeke as His own. Wow.

James + water = baptism.

Centerpieces + donuts = yum.

Long day + donuts = crazy kids.