Saturday, September 19, 2009

happy birthday uncle jed

Dear Brother,

We are sorry this is late. We did want to call you on your birthday but heard that you had back to school night. So we made you a video instead. Then I couldn't find the camera cable. Then I forgot about it. Then I remembered after you called tonight. We hope you enjoy your post birthday greeting. Zeke used his new binkie in the video because he thought you would like it. We love you!

Friday, September 18, 2009

funniest thing ever

Seriously. It is. In fact, you should go use the bathroom before you watch this because you might pee your pants laughing. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

soccer season

Jonah is finally old enough to play Parks & Rec soccer. He has been dreaming of this day. Joel is the team "coach" which mostly involves a) rotating the boys in, b) trying to convince them do more than just stand on the field and c) reminding them to kick the ball into the correct goal. Here are some pics from his first game.

This is my favorite picture because it completely captures his feelings about soccer.

Team huddle with Coach Joel.

Half time.

Post game crash.

first shoes

Zeke's been "officially" walking for about a month now. He got his first pair of shoes on Saturday. We're working on getting a video of him walking but he's refusing to perform...

back to school

Jonah was so ready for his 2nd year of preschool. He actually started school a week later than Annie and we had a few hard mornings as he sobbed and sobbed because he wasn't going to school yet. He also felt a bit left out when his sister got her long list of required school supplies so we got him a new Star Wars backpack (or "packpack" as he calls it) for school this year. He loves going to school and is such an independent little guy. He marches right in with his class without even looking back, loves his friends, and wishes he could go every day instead of just 3 days a week. He's already talking about kindergarten.

Off to 2nd grade! Annie, once again, landed in a great class with a terrific teacher and a lot of her friends. She still loves to ride the bus and is excited to start Brownies this year. This is her first year with homework and she likes doing it, though she is quite the perfectionist which means it can take quite some time to complete. She loves to read, enjoys math and is all about art. She even lost a tooth the first week of school - swallowed it during lunch!