Friday, October 23, 2009

party time. almost.

We're getting ready for the big It's a Birthday Party! It's a Halloween Party on Sunday. We've invited a lot of people. A lot. And a lot of people are coming. A lot. (And you can't blame them, really, because it's going to be quite a shindig.) So, you would think in preparation for this big party, to which a lot of people are coming, we would be cleaning. But no. We're not. In fact, the house is getting messier. I like to believe there is a reason for this. I have come to the conclusion that we work best under pressure. Sure, you might say we are procrastinators. Maybe that is true. But truly, give us a deadline of oh, say, 24 hours and we can get things accomplished you couldn't begin to imagine. There's the enormous pile on the desk, and on the floor next to the desk, and under the desk. By tomorrow it will be all tidied up and put away. There is the half-painted magnetic wall by the desk. By tomorrow night it will be finished and nicely decorated. There's the pile of random things that had been piled up in the living room, that is now piled up in our bedroom. By tomorrow it will be safely hidden in the basement. There's the dining room floor that hasn't been mopped in, oh...a long time. By Sunday morning it will be sparkling. And we'll be ready with soup, and a cheese platter, and crafts, and goodies for the kiddies.

I thought about posting pictures, but it's probably best if you don't see what the house really looks like. So, I'm off to Bunco night, Joel and the boys are getting ready for a "camp out" in the living room, and Annie is having a sleepover at her best friend's house. And the mess will wait until tomorrow when we will become cleaning machines and get everything ready.

Or hidden.


  1. Ha! That is hilarious! I too procrastinate and work MUCH better under pressure! Why clean up early...the kiddos just come behind and mess it all up in 2 seconds flat. Or at least, that's been my experience.

  2. Exactly what I always do and for the same reason Casandra gave - you guys would just come behind me and mess it up before company arrived. So, why sweat it ahead of time - just work like a dog the day of the event or perhaps one night prior!!

    Love, Mom
